Visitor Information

Visiting hours are currently from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm and are restricted to persons over age 12.  We request that visitors please not wear scented products or bring latex balloons into the hospital. Please check at the nursing station before bringing food or drinks to a patient. If you would rather not have visitors or require special visitor arrangements, please ask your nurse know.

The Labor/Delivery Unit has different visiting hours for their patients which are posted on that unit.


The marked area near the front entrance is reserved for handicapped parking and for dropping off passengers.  Visitors should park their vehicles in the main parking lot.  There is also parking by the Emergency Room for easier access to the doctor’s offices.

Smoking Policy & Quitting Smoking

As a healthcare leader in our community, Houlton Regional Hospital is committed to supporting healthy lifestyles.

For your health and safety, smoking and the use of all tobacco products, including but not limited to e-cigarettes, smokeless tobacco. snuff, chew and non-FDA approved nicotine delivery systems  is not allowed anywhere on the hospital grounds.

Our healthcare team can  provide you with information on how you can quit smoking.

POLICY: Smoke Free / Tobacco Free Campus

Maps and a Google “Street View” of our facility can be found in the CONTACT US area of this site.