
Special Delivery

Dr. Robert Mosenfelder, OB/GYN at Houlton Regional Hospital, has been delivering babies since 1980! He began his career in West Virginia, then moved to Houlton and began practicing in the Greater Houlton Community in the fall of 1986. Over the past 43 years, he has certainly been a part of many special deliveries! However, one recent delivery at Houlton Regional Hospital really stood out to him as being extra-special!

After the daughter of our very own Kaitlin Koppel, FNP at Houlton Family Practice and her husband Ray, made her way into this world, Dr Mosenfelder experienced a prideful moment. As he reflected on those in attendance and assisting during the delivery, he realized that all three of the impressive young women involved in bringing this new little life into the world, were at one time or another babies that he had also delivered! The ladies included: his patient and colleague, Kaitlin (Russell) Koppel; 4th year UNE Medical Student, Victoria Brewer-Clark; and LDRP Nurse, Jayme Hovey, BSN, RN. A unique and special moment like this could only be attained from a lifetime of work and dedication in a rural community! Also of interest, Kaitlin’s mom Kathy Russell, MT and Victoria’s mom, Terri Brewer, SLP, have also been part of the HRH family for many years. Will baby Kora continue the medical field tradition? Seems fitting, but only time will tell.


Photo and Story contributed by Ellen Bartlett, RN, Family Practice & OB/GYN Manager