Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing an increase in community transmission.
If you have been notified that you or your child have been exposed to Covid19 please quarantine for 14 days from the date of the exposure.
If you are having symptoms please contact your Medical Provider’s office regarding testing for Covid-19. Testing is important but it does not need to be done urgently and will be scheduled by appointment. However, if you are having severe symptoms of Covid19 please notify and go to the Emergency Department for an evaluation.
Testing can also be conducted on people not having any symptoms, it is best to wait until at least 5 days have passed since the date of your exposure.
If you test positive, please continue to quarantine and alert your close contacts. Please remember you also need to quarantine even if your test is negative for 14 days from the date of your last contact with a known positive person.
If you do not have a provider here at Houlton Regional or need weekend testing, KVHC is available by appointment at 538-3700, our local Walgreens is also testing patients by appointment. Appointments are made on line at https://Walgreens.com/covid19testing
Every person should monitor themselves daily for signs of illness, including taking temperatures, as this can help detect illness before going to work, school, or out into the community.
Anyone you encounter could potentially be infected. Please follow the recommended guidance on wearing a mask, social distancing, washing your hands, staying home if you are sick, avoiding large gatherings and any unnecessary travel.
Other testing options are the states sponsored swab and send sites, they can be found at Get-Tested-COVID19.org.
The Portland jet port also offers testing to anyone by appt. https://covidtestforme.com/jetport They offer free send out tests or a 1 hour Rapid tests for 25.00.